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Company Insolvency

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ORJ advise in all aspects of company insolvency

We particularly assist directors who face insolvency claims by liquidators or insolvency proceedings involving creditors.

We are frequently asked to defend statutory demands, letters of claim or other hostile insolvency proceedings. Where appropriate we will resist a winding up order being made even after a winding up petition has been issued and served, usually by seeking the dismissal of the winding up petition itself.

We advise directors and companies before the onset of insolvency, on the best way to arrange their affairs. Thus, reducing personal criticism of the directors and enhancing the chance of a business’s survival through a pre pack for example. We specifically advise on MVAs and CVAs (Members Voluntary Arrangements and Creditors Voluntary Arrangements.

We defend claims that a company is insolvent and associated demands based on an assertion that a due debt is evidence of a company’s insolvency.  

We protect Directors who face personal claims for example as regards overdrawn directors loan accounts, preferences or claims of wrongful trading.

We work closely with specialist insolvency practitioners, with who we have worked for decades and in whom our clients can trust.