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A Tenants responsibility of Repair in a Commercial Lease

When a condition of a lease agreement is to maintain the property in a good and substantial repair and condition which is the most common clause for repair, it is the responsibility of the tenant to ensure that the property is kept in a clean, safe, and well-maintained condition throughout the term of the lease. […]

What is a Personal Guarantee and why do I need to sign one?

A personal guarantee is a legal agreement in which an individual assumes personal responsibility for repaying a loan or debt if the primary borrower is unable to do so. This type of guarantee is commonly used by banks and other lending institutions when lending money to small businesses. When taking a legal charge, a personal […]

The risks associated with leasing property for your business across Shropshire, Staffordshire and the West Midlands.

By Tom Wellings Commercial property specialist My work largely spans the towns and cities of Shrewsbury, Telford, Stoke, Lichfield, Tamworth, Stafford and Wolverhampton and the greater West Midland together with the areas in between.   The market for leasing property across these regions varies. In Telford there is a lot of high-quality commercial premises; it is […]