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Matrimonial Finances

Matrimonial Finances

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Protecting your assets: How ORJ provides financial security during divorce

Divorce does not end your financial obligations to your spouse. It is, therefore, vital you seek expert advice from leading divorce solicitors when ending a marriage or civil partnership.

Choosing experienced family law solicitors can have a hugely positive impact on the rest of your life. At ORJ, our divorce solicitors in Birmingham, Telford, Shrewsbury, Stafford and the surrounding areas are committed to ensuring your interests are protected by understanding your unique circumstances and needs moving forward.

We will guide you through the complexities of divorce by forensically examining all key financial aspects, including pensions, property, savings, investments, businesses and maintenance.

The division of assets can be complex and is not to be trivialised. We will work hard to understand your unique financial situation and, just as importantly, the outcomes you seek. We’ll draw on our decades of knowledge and experience to find a solutions-focused approach that allows you to move forward with your life.

Where spousal maintenance is required, our lawyers will work strategically, methodically and compassionately to negotiate a realistic, fair and legally sound outcome.

Our lawyers can also advise on both prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, drafting bespoke agreements to safeguard assets that are either brought to a marriage or acquired during the relationship.

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to divorce and finance. Our team is here to help – whatever the challenge.

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    Alternatively for further information, please e-mail us or call 01785 223440