It is an unfortunate fact that many grandparents all over England and Wales are, against their wishes, unable to have contact with their grandchildren due to a variety of reasons including divorce, family difficulties or the death of a loved one.
Hundreds of grandparents in these circumstances have sought the advice of our family law experts – and we have helped many rekindle meaningful and fulfilling relationships, for the benefit of the children involved as well as the grandparent.
Each case depends heavily upon individual circumstances, so our team takes the time required to understand your story in full.
The most effective way to regain contact is by seeking an amicable solution between all parties concerned – and that should be the starting point. At ORJ our specialist family team can assist by providing an avenue for negotiation and communication on your behalf. Often, this intervention through a third-party can be the catalyst of improved relationships.
But, unfortunately, an amicable solution is not always possible. As a last resort, consideration can be given to seeking the Court’s assistance by applying for a Child Arrangements Order. You may wish to read our article about obtaining the Court’s permission to make an application here.
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