As a grandparent, unless your grandchild/ren has been living with you for a period of three years or within five years prior to making an application you will not be automatically entitled to make an application to the Court.
It will be necessary to obtain permission from the Court before bringing this application. In such circumstances, the Court is required to consider the following factors:
It is important that before you consider making an application to the Court you seek case specific legal advice. All cases are different and therefore, the generic advice provided online is not tailored to your case.
Seeking legal advice at the outset of the issue ensures you are aware in detail on the process, procedures, and legal requirements together with an indication on the likely prospects of success based on your unique set of circumstances.
If you are experiencing any difficulties with contact with your grandchild/ren, the Family Team at ORJ offer sensible, tailored and professional advice to support and assist you in pursuing your right to see your grandchild/ren.
ORJ Law Firm is the trading name of ORJ Law Limited. Registered in England and Wales. Registration No. 11266285 Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA No. 667657) VAT registration number 361599468